Monday, September 12, 2011

Stocking up

With all the cold weather setting in recently, i have indeed been thinking that it's time to start stocking up on some winter essentials. Above are a few one that i have found around, and have been scrimping saving all my pennies in hope of purchasing them.

1. Acne Jumper £170- I love simple knits and they are such a staple as the can go under or over anything and still look fab. I love the colour and material of this jumper, a perfect layer for the winter months.

2. Acne Leather £790- No winter wardrobe is complete without a leather jacket to wrap in and i am in dyer need of a new one. I love both motorbike and flight leather jacket's and this Acne on above is a perfect mix between the two. To be honest this jacket is so out of my price range but i can dream and save and save and save!

3. Marc Jacobs bralet- No idea how much or where i found this (awful memory) but i love love love this Bralet by Marc Jacobs. It has the charm of being both sexy and cute, and i am now on a mission to find one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

4. Oliver Peoples Glasses (from) £300- Although i thank the lord for contact lenses, and how much easier they make my life. I am dying for pair of Oliver Peoples optics! the are timeless and effortlessly cool and i know i'd wear specs a lot more if i had a lovely pair of my own. Hurry up birthday!
